Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I don't even know where to start or what to say. I have reached the turning point of my trip, the point that I was warned about, when I will begin to re-evaluate everything. I am not sure how to process all that I am thinking and feeling. But I will save the super heavy stuff for my journal. Instead, I will share with you all random bits of the past few days...

There are little tiny geckos all over the place here, even in the house! They like to hang out on the walls and eat mosquitoes (which I appreciate!). These geckos are super skiddish and run away at even the slightest movement. There is one that has been hiding out in my room for a week now. He is under/behind my nightstand. Every time he pokes his head out to see if the coast is clear, he spots me and runs back under the nightstand. I feel bad for the little guy, being stuck in my room under the nightstand. I wish I could help him be free but he is too scared to come out :( On a positive note, my room has been free of mosquitoes thanks to my little roommate.

The weekend excursion to Kanchipuram, Pondicherry, and Mahabalipuram was so much fun! Laura and I hired our Global Volunteer driver to take us on our weekend trip, which was great because he is familiar with the areas, is someone we already knew and trusted, and is fluent in Tamil (which came in handy many times!). Kanchipuram is known for its temples and silks. Lucky for me, I got to experience both. The second temple we visited (no idea what it is called) was ridiculously amazing! We got to walk through the entire temple complex except for the inner section, where only Hindus can go. It was so cool to be able to see the gods in all their glory in this magnificent old temple. Very peaceful and mysterious in there. (Note: if any of you reading this blog are planning a trip to India to see some temples, BRING SOCKS! All footwear must be left outside the temple and the ground is pretty nasty. Thankfully Laura had an extra pair of socks for me, saved the day!) Anyhoo, the silk store was fun to visit. I got to see a sari being made on a traditional loom, which was interesting. The salesmen at this store are very good at what they do. I ended up leaving with about 8 silk scarves. Guess what everyone is getting for Christmas! haha

Pondicherry was a cute little seaside town, very clean and quiet compared to Chennai. Laura and I stayed at a fab new hotel called Atithi (highly recommend it!). We woke up early and took a stroll down Mahatma Gandhi Blvd to see the little shops and stalls. We purchased several saris and some Tamil music CDs. While in Pondicherry we visited an ashram, which is something I have always wanted to do. I really liked the garden/courtyard area and felt that it was somewhere I would really like to spend time meditating and being at peace with my thoughts. However, once I entered the building I was met with creepy pictures of the "Mother" who founded the ashram. She is very creepy and is, according to the sign in the lobby, "every where and is watching your every move." What creeped me out most is the fact that Mother has been dead for quite some time and is currently in the courtyard. 

After the ashram we headed over to Auroville, a hippy commune in the middle of nowhere. The visitors' center was very nice and played a video about the hippy commune. As I sat there watching the video I found myself thinking that Auroville seemed like a pretty cool place after all. And then She appeared. Mother. Yep, creepy ashram-founding dead Mother. The sign was correct, she is everywhere and is watching my every move! haha! Laura and I quickly packed up our stuff and left before the video was over. No hippy commune/creepy cults for us!

Before I say good night it is time for another top 10 list.

Top 10 things I do not think I will ever understand about India:
10) Cows in the street (if they are sacred, why are they allowed to roam and eat garbage?)
9) Parents who do not discipline their children... but who rush to discipline every one else's children (discipline here = getting hit with sticks/canes/plastic cricket bats)
8) How the traffic works (and it does work!) More on this subject in a later blog...
7) How so many foods can have the same exact ingredients, but taste totally different
6) How no one sweats in this crazy heat (I swear I am the only one who sweats here!)
5) How no one else is covered in bug bites
4) How Hindus can keep all the facts about Hinduism straight
3) How it is the birthplace of yoga when it is too loud and chaotic to even relax, much less do yoga (maybe this is why Indians do not practice yoga at all, according to what I heard here...)
2) The kindness and generosity of people who have nothing (nothing material that is)
1) Cows in the street (yep, I really don't get it!)

That's enough rambling for now. Goodnight!

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