Thursday, September 30, 2010

It is finally hitting me that I am going to be in India next week. Me... in India! It's almost hard to believe that it is really happening. I have dreamed of world travel since I was a little girl and have wanted to go to India for as long as I can remember. When I think about the upcoming trip I am filled with a variety of emotions. I am nervous, excited, humbled, afraid, eager, and anxious. More than anything else I am grateful. I still cannot wrap my mind around the fact that I get to go on this grand adventure to the other side of the globe and make a difference in the lives of these children. So awesome!

Top 10 things I am looking forward to doing in India:
(ok, maybe not the top 10... just the first 10 things that came to mind)
10) eating naan every day
9) experiencing another culture
8) making a difference in the lives of others
7) visiting temples
6) watching bollywood films
5) shopping in bazaars
4) cows in the street
3) avoiding rickshaws at all costs
2) spending time with the kids
1) eating naan every day (yes, I'm that excited about it!)